1. | 1907 diary fragments | Crowley, Aleister | 56.700B | 15.09.2007 |
2. | 777 Revised vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico Mysticae | Crowley, Aleister | 887.837B | 26.08.2007 |
3. | 777 vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico Mysticae | Crowley, Aleister | 760.022B | 25.08.2007 |
4. | 8th Aether Liber CCCCXVIII | Crowley, Aleister | 16.690B | 23.08.2007 |
5. | 9th Degree - Emblems and Mode of Use | Crowley, Aleister, O.T.O. | 190.464B | 10.03.2008 |
6. | Agape vel Liber c vel Azoth | Crowley, Aleister | 220.363B | 13.11.2007 |
7. | Ambergris, A Selection from The Poems | Crowley, Aleister | 626.876B | 21.09.2007 |
8. | Artemisiota vel De coitu Scholia Triviae | Crowley, Aleister | 103.929B | 25.08.2007 |
9. | Astral Travels of 1898 | Crowley, Aleister | 19.825B | 15.09.2007 |
10. | Berashith: an essay in ontology | Crowley, Aleister | 68.532B | 22.05.2008 |
11. | Blue Equinox | Crowley, Aleister | 1.893.026B | 01.02.2008 |
12. | Book 4 | Crowley, Aleister, Virakam, Soror | 329.354B | 03.10.2007 |
13. | Book 4 (complet) | Crowley, Aleister | 316.416B | 01.08.2008 |
14. | Book Four - Part I - Meditation | Crowley, Aleister | 195.059B | 25.08.2007 |
15. | Book Four - Part II - Ceremonial Magick | Crowley, Aleister | 1.070.662B | 25.08.2007 |
16. | Book Four - Part III - Magick in Theory and Practice | Crowley, Aleister | 897.514B | 25.08.2007 |
17. | Book IV, Part. I: Meditation | Crowley, Aleister | 354.304B | 02.10.2007 |
18. | Book of Lies | Crowley, Aleister | 1.235.968B | 17.10.2007 |
19. | Book of Lies, The | Crowley, Aleister | 420.786B | 25.08.2007 |
20. | Book of Lies, The | Crowley, Aleister | 850.944B | 19.09.2007 |
21. | Book of Oz, Liber lxxvii | Crowley, Aleister | 6.300B | 11.10.2007 |
22. | Book of the Law, The, Liber AL vel Legis | Crowley, Aleister | 92.247B | 12.09.2007 |
23. | Book of Thoth | Crowley, Aleister | 546.510B | 23.08.2007 |
24. | Book of Thoth, The | Crowley, Aleister | 3.796.259B | 19.09.2007 |
25. | Concerning "Blasphemy" in General | Crowley, Aleister | 57.812B | 12.09.2007 |
26. | Confessions of Aleister Crowley, The | Crowley, Aleister | 228.341.918B | 22.08.2007 |
27. | Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck | Crowley, Aleister, Harris, Frieda | 3.724.539B | 05.09.2007 |
28. | Crowley's Tao Teh Ching (Liber CLVII: THE EQUINOX Vol. III. No. VIII.) | Crowley, Aleister | 70.913B | 25.10.2007 |
29. | De Arte Magica | Crowley, Aleister | 35.125B | 25.08.2007 |
30. | Diary of a Drug Fiend, The | Crowley, Aleister | 234.436B | 13.09.2007 |
31. | Duty | Crowley, Aleister | 21.371B | 15.10.2007 |
32. | Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae | Crowley, Aleister | 30.936B | 23.08.2007 |
33. | Eight Lectures on Yoga | Crowley, Aleister | 226.824B | 10.10.2007 |
34. | Emblems And Mode Of Use | Crowley, Aleister | 9.062B | 15.09.2007 |
35. | Enochian Tablets, The | Crowley, Aleister | 49.873B | 22.08.2007 |
36. | Enochian Tablets, The | Crowley, Aleister | 112.830B | 08.10.2007 |
37. | Enochian World Of Aleister Crowley: Enochian Sex Magick | Crowley, Aleister, Hyatt, Christopher S., DuQuette, Lon Milo | 12.647.872B | 07.11.2007 |
38. | Every Man and Every Woman is a Star, An essay on Esoteric Sociology | Crowley, Aleister | 15.207B | 11.10.2007 |
39. | Gilles de Rais (Banned Lecture) | Crowley, Aleister | 33.395B | 17.01.2008 |
40. | Greater Ritual of the Pentagram, The | Crowley, Aleister | 47.084B | 13.11.2007 |