1. | Adonistische kabbalah, Die | Bardon, Franz, Quintscher, Friedrich Wilhelm (Rah Omir) | 32.626.925B | 05.04.2008 |
2. | Advice for Deacons | Soter, Dionysus | 217.406B | 08.09.2007 |
3. | Amazing Secrets Of The Yogi | Haanel, Charles F. | 846.847B | 05.09.2008 |
4. | Applied Magic | Fortune, Dion | 510.146B | 26.03.2008 |
5. | Art & Practice of Contacting The Demiurge, The | Ophiel | 1.719.115B | 10.06.2008 |
6. | Art & Practice Of Getting Material Things Through Creative Visualization, The | Ophiel | 1.681.077B | 24.03.2009 |
7. | Art & Practice Of The Occult, The | Ophiel | 1.618.529B | 17.03.2009 |
8. | Beast and the Star: A Vision of the Abyss | Rowe, Benjamin | 34.154B | 26.08.2007 |
9. | Black Book of Satan (volumes i, ii, iii) | Order of Nine Angles | 975.643B | 25.05.2008 |
10. | Black Seals of Solomon the King | Nagel, Carl | 11.378.839B | 02.05.2010 |
11. | Book 4 | Crowley, Aleister, Virakam, Soror | 329.354B | 03.10.2007 |
12. | Book IV, Part. I: Meditation | Crowley, Aleister | 354.304B | 02.10.2007 |
13. | Book of Abramelin | Abraham ben Simeon of Worms | 26.674.712B | 06.09.2012 |
14. | Book of Abramelin: A New Translation | Abraham ben Simeon of Worms | 89.994.460B | 27.05.2008 |
15. | Book of Formulas | Quintscher, Friedrich Wilhelm (Rah Omir) | 362.686B | 22.11.2014 |
16. | Book of Solomon’s Magick, The | Runyon, Carroll | 13.662.006B | 04.08.2008 |
17. | Bücher der praktischen Magie - Band 10-12 | Douval, H. E. | 1.012.316B | 25.08.2007 |
18. | Bücher der praktischen Magie - Band 06-07 | Douval, H. E. | 627.600B | 25.08.2007 |
19. | Ceremonial Magic & The Power of Evocation | Lisiewski, Joseph C. | 10.402.269B | 13.08.2008 |
20. | Cromlech Temple Aura Paper no. 7 (Life, healt and disease) | ŠMŠ, Frater | 25.640B | 25.12.2008 |
21. | Cross-Train Your Brain - A Mental Fitness Program for Maximizing Creativity and Achieving Success | Eiffert, Stephen D. | 1.616.110B | 06.08.2008 |
22. | Denu Val Gumas, Das ist Magie des Willens | Quintscher, Friedrich Wilhelm (Rah Omir) | 352.595B | 18.10.2007 |
23. | Der Königsweg | Weinfurter, Karl | 345.078B | 15.08.2010 |
24. | Der Ritus des Mars | | 26.688B | 27.08.2007 |
25. | Die Heilende Kraft der Elemente | Tegtmeier, Ralph | 1.150.392B | 29.08.2007 |
26. | Encyclopedia of Astrology | DeVore, Nicholas | 1.742.162B | 02.02.2009 |
27. | Enochian Spagyrics | Harris-Smith, Philip | 7.491.599B | 27.06.2020 |
28. | Enthüllte Archive geheimer Wissenschaften - 1. Lehrband | Quintscher, Friedrich Wilhelm (Rah Omir) | 573.903B | 22.11.2014 |
29. | Erinnerungen an Franz Bardon | M.K., Dr. | 86.260B | 11.10.2007 |
30. | Evocation of Bartzabel | | 1.047.417B | 25.08.2007 |
31. | Gates of the Necronomicon (A Step by Step Progression Through the Walking of the Seven Gates of the Zonei) | Simon | 444.677B | 23.04.2009 |
32. | Goetic Evocation: The Magician's Workbook Volume 2 | Savedow, Steve | 57.137.087B | 07.08.2010 |
33. | Golden Dawn (An Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Order Golden Dawn, vol2, 1937) | Regardie, Israel | 164.593.255B | 17.10.2008 |
34. | Great Body of God, The | Culling, Louis | 955.666B | 13.06.2008 |
35. | Greater Ritual of the Pentagram, The | Crowley, Aleister | 47.084B | 13.11.2007 |
36. | Healing Language and Colour Imagery: Reliability and Validity of Healers | Evans, Dave | 1.587.954B | 07.09.2007 |
37. | Herbs and their Magical Properties | | 214.850B | 18.09.2007 |
38. | Howlings From The Pit | Lisiewski, Joseph C. | 24.574.880B | 10.09.2011 |
39. | Howlings from the Pit , A Journal of Old System Magic (Volume I Number II August 07) | | 579.872B | 27.11.2007 |
40. | Illustrated Goetia | Crowley, Aleister, Hyatt, Christopher S., DuQuette, Lon Milo | 7.532.543B | 25.01.2008 |