1. | Aliens in the Bible | Milor, John W. | 922.467B | 19.05.2009 |
2. | All the Names of the Lord : Lists, Mysticism and Magic | Izmirlieva, Valentina | 2.527.352B | 15.09.2011 |
3. | Ambivalence toward Christianity in the Kabbalah of Abraham Abulafia | Sagerman, Robert | 3.668.138B | 02.03.2011 |
4. | Ancient and Modern Initiation | Heindel, Max | 249.711B | 07.04.2008 |
5. | Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power | Meyer, Marvin (ed.), Smith, Richard (ed.) | 32.442.879B | 15.09.2011 |
6. | Ascent to Heaven in Jewish and Christian Apocalypses | Himmelfarb, Martha | 12.328.503B | 19.04.2012 |
7. | Becoming God: The Doctrine of Theosis in Nicholas of Cusa | Hudson, Nancy J. | 1.105.719B | 16.06.2014 |
8. | Breaking the Da Vinci Code | Bock, Darrell | 1.426.330B | 22.10.2008 |
9. | Byzantine Magic | Maguire, Henry (ed.) | 22.516.135B | 07.11.2010 |
10. | Catéchisme de la paix | Lévi, Eliphas | 38.670.308B | 08.03.2012 |
11. | Christ and the Sacred Mushroom | York, David | 5.054.320B | 26.06.2008 |
12. | Christianity As Mystical Fact | Steiner, Rudolf | 2.770.167B | 21.06.2008 |
13. | Dark Side of Christian History, The | Ellerbe, Helen | 10.430.436B | 12.06.2008 |
14. | Dead Sea Scrolls: A Very Short Introduction | Lim, Timothy H. | 2.498.935B | 23.05.2008 |
15. | Dionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist Tradition | Dillon, John M., Wear, Sarah | 565.092B | 03.01.2013 |
16. | Discoverie of Witchcraft | Scot, Reginald | 40.460.678B | 29.03.2012 |
17. | Dramatic Element Common to the Gnostic Cosmogonoies of The Religions of The Book | Corbin, Henry | 1.364.016B | 02.02.2009 |
18. | Ecce Homo | Saint-Martin, Louis Claude | 3.230.563B | 16.08.2010 |
19. | Fallen Angels and the History of Judaism and Christianity: The Reception of Enochic Literature | Reed, Annette Yoshiko | 4.456.765B | 25.05.2008 |
20. | Feminist Gospel, The - The Movement to Unite Feminism with the Church | Kassian, Mary | 1.828.331B | 29.10.2008 |
21. | Forbidden Gospels and Epistles | Wake, Arcibishop | 1.454.416B | 21.06.2008 |
22. | Gerald Masseys Lectures | Massey, Gerald | 2.107.334B | 04.10.2007 |
23. | Hidden Wisdom: Esoteric Traditions and the Roots of Christian Mysticism | Stroumsa, Guy | 941.817B | 19.04.2012 |
24. | Jesus in the Talmud | Schäfer, Peter | 1.270.408B | 20.08.2012 |
25. | Journey of the Mind into God: Itinerarium mentis in Deum | Bonaventure, St. | 430.889B | 28.07.2012 |
26. | La science des esprits | Lévi, Eliphas | 11.474.049B | 28.12.2012 |
27. | Late Medieval Mysticism | Petry, Ray C. | 10.043.603B | 05.09.2010 |
28. | Latin Epics of the New Testament | Green, Roger P. H. | 3.243.356B | 23.05.2008 |
29. | Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path (short definition) | | 17.777B | 06.04.2009 |
30. | Like Angels on Jacob's Ladder: Abraham Abulafia, the Franciscans, and Joachimism | Hames, Harvey J. | 745.807B | 10.04.2012 |
31. | Magic and Ritual in the Ancient World | Meyer, Marvin (ed.), Mirecki, Paul (ed.) | 2.740.480B | 30.04.2012 |
32. | Messiah before Jesus, The | Knohl, Israel | 7.512.727B | 23.05.2008 |
33. | Mysterium Magnum | Boehme, Jakob | 6.588.246B | 16.08.2010 |
34. | Mystery of God - Early Jewish Mysticism and the New Testament | Rowland, Christopher, Morray-Jones, Christopher R.A. | 2.595.355B | 12.04.2012 |
35. | Mystery of the Grail: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit | Evola, Julius | 7.373.911B | 23.04.2012 |
36. | Origin of Satan, The - How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and Heretics | Pagels, Elaine | 1.177.824B | 27.07.2008 |
37. | Orphism and Christianity in Late Antiquity | Herrero De Jáuregui, Miguel | 3.660.185B | 21.05.2012 |
38. | Other Worlds and Their Relation to This World | Nicklas, Tobias, Verheyden, Joseph, Eynikel, Erik, Martinez, Florentino Garcia | 5.912.765B | 10.04.2012 |
39. | Perfect Way or The Finding of Christ, The | Kingsford, Anna B., Maitland, Edward | 977.954B | 15.10.2007 |
40. | Periphyseon: Division of Nature | Eriugena, Johannes, Scotus | 14.039.365B | 08.08.2012 |