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Astral projection (2), Biology (1), Bruce, Robert (1), Chakras (2), Cromlech Temple (1), Divination (1), Energetical Model (1), English (6), German (1), Healing techniques (3), Ingalese, Richard (1), Luciferianism (1), Meditation (1), Mind Power Corp. (1), Occult sciences (1), Occult/Psychology (3), Panchadasi, Swami (1), Practical (1), Psychology (1), Spiritism (1), Talbot, Michael (1), Yoga (2), ŠMŠ, Frater (1)1. | Cromlech Temple Aura Paper no. 7 (Life, healt and disease) | ŠMŠ, Frater | 25.640B | 25.12.2008 |
2. | History Power Of The Mind | Ingalese, Richard | 295.543B | 23.03.2009 |
3. | Holographische Universum, Das | Talbot, Michael | 2.387.126B | 30.04.2008 |
4. | Human Aura | Panchadasi, Swami | 1.909.704B | 14.08.2010 |
5. | On The Diseases Of The Aura (Cromlech Temple Aura Paper 25) | Cromlech Temple | 30.490B | 24.04.2009 |
6. | Psychic Power Secrets | Mind Power Corp. | 900.108B | 13.01.2009 |
7. | Training to See Auras | Bruce, Robert | 585.435B | 14.01.2008 |