1. | Book of the Old Ones, The | Scorpio | 27.206.970B | 19.06.2008 |
2. | Call of Cthulhu Cardstock | | 1.364.500B | 11.11.2008 |
3. | Cthulhu Bible | Satanis, Venger | 4.336.583B | 05.06.2008 |
4. | Cthulhu International Timeline | Slavinski, Zivorad Mihajlovic | 291.295B | 24.11.2008 |
5. | Interview with Sixties rock band HP Lovecraft | Kenning, Ethan | 157.611B | 11.11.2008 |
6. | Lovecraft - Against the World, Against the Life | Lovecraft, Howard Phillips, Houllebecq, Michel | 194.100B | 06.11.2008 |
7. | Mountain Walked or Stumbled, A (Madness, Apocalypse, and H.P. Lovecraft’s The Call of Cthulhu) | Taylor, Justin | 365.690B | 13.11.2008 |
8. | Notes On Writing Weird Fiction (Essay) | Lovecraft, Howard Phillips | 17.813B | 06.11.2008 |
9. | Road to Hel, The | Ellis, Hilda Roderick | 1.887.719B | 25.05.2008 |
10. | Scroll of Set, The (1998/158) | Reynolds, Linda (ed.) | 218.040B | 02.07.2008 |
11. | Sheet Music - Oh Cthulhu | Allgeyer, Robert | 546.384B | 14.08.2010 |
12. | Studies in Modern Horror (Miéville, Barker, Lovecraft...) | Christakos, N. G. (ed) | 495.220B | 10.11.2008 |
13. | Why We Here - Cthulhu Cartoon Strip | Lente, Fred Van, Ellis, Steve | 2.188.069B | 06.11.2008 |