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Apfelman, Frater (1), Chaos magic (2), De Laurence, L. W. (1), Discordianism (1), Essay (1), Golden Dawn (1), Hermetic kabbalah (1), LHP (1), Magic (1), Manuscript (1), Math (1), Moore, Vadge (1), Music (1), Occult/Psychology (1), Pentacles (1), Practical (1), Qliphoth (1), Regardie, Israel (1), Sexual magic (1), Shamanism (1), Spare, Austin Osman (1), Symbolism (1), Talismans (2), Textbook (1), Toltec (1), Typhonian Current (1), Voodoo (1), Witchcraft/Sorcery (1), Zos-Kia/AOS (1)1. | Book of Pleasure (Self-love) | Spare, Austin Osman | 108.418B | 10.03.2008 |
2. | How to Make and Use Talismans | Regardie, Israel | 1.342.307B | 08.11.2007 |
3. | Kenneth Grant and the Merovingian Mythos | Moore, Vadge | 231.424B | 25.09.2007 |
4. | Quantum Kabala | Apfelman, Frater | 59.330B | 11.12.2007 |
5. | Quick guide to practical magick | 85.711B | 25.08.2007 | |
6. | Raphael's Ancient Manuscript of Talismanic Magic | De Laurence, L. W. | 4.852.630B | 17.12.2010 |